
Anglo-Saxon topic fiction books for KS2 children – can they be realistic and age-appropriate?
Can historical fiction for children be accurate and realistic - how to overcome the challenge, by N.S. Blackman, author of the KS2 Anglo-saxon topic fiction book, Freedom for Bron

Longlisted! Kerry-Ann strikes again with a nomination for the incredible Little Rebels Award
The Windrush book for children aged 8+ featuring determined cricketer Kerry-Ann strikes again! Longlisted for the Little Rebels Award

A dino-tastic day! With our Strength-in-Stories friends and partners
A dino-tastic day in south London for three authors of dinosaur fiction for children

Branford Boase Award 2024
Sonya Mcgilchrist, founder of Dinosaur Books Ltd, reflects on being longlisted as an editor for the Branford Boase Award, alongside author of Last Girl In, Cheryl Diane Parkinson

Windrush Cricket
In this guest blog, the author of Last Girl In - Cheryl Diane Parkinson - celebrates Windrush Cricket, Caribbean culture and the power of grandparents

Why Micro Presses Matter
Sonya McGilchrist, owner and founder of Dinosaur Books Ltd, spoke to The Bookseller, the magazine for Bookstore staff, about why she thinks that tiny independent publishers - such as Dinosaur Books Ltd - are important to the UK publishing industry.

Achieving Black Equality
The Guardian newspaper published Sonya McGilchrist’s response to their article about how to Achieve Black equality, reflecting on the need for more Black creatives in senior roles in UK publishing.

Empathy Action Month
We’ve joined the UK charity Empathy Lab, as we believe that through fiction you can meet characters who have wholly different life experiences from your own and learn about other lives, cultures and experiences as well as see how the world is for others…

Kerry-Ann’s Adventure
Kerry-Ann’s adventure is a magical time slip tale, in which a London girl who loves cricket finds out what life was like her for grandad when he first arrived in England from Jamaica. In this fast-paced adventure with a touch of magic, Kerry Ann discovers that she too will have to fight battles, just as her grandad did, to become the person she’s determined to be and to keep playing the game they both love - cricket.

Strength in Stories
We’re thrilled to be teaming up with fellow micro publishers, Formy Books and Parakeet Books, both of whom publish wonderful picture books that are diverse and inclusive.

HA Young Quills Award 2021 shortlist
Children of the Benin Kingdom, by Dinah Orji was picked as a recommended read by the judges of the Historical Association’s prestigious Young Quills Award 2021.