Achieving Black Equality

The Guardian published Dinosaur Books Ltd’s response to the question they posed in a recent article: “How to Achieve Black Equality?”

It was great to see The Guardian pick up on our Strength in Stories campaign and publish a letter by the founder and owner of Dinosaur Books Ltd, Sonya McGilchrist.

The Guardian’s article about how to achieve Black equality and in it, many prominent writers and thinkers gave their thoughts on what steps should and could be taken next. Writers such as Yomi Sode (and others) commented on UK publishing and the importance of the publishing industry in helping to achieve equality in the UK.

In her letter, published by Sonya McGilchrist on behalf of Dinosaur Books and the Strength in Stories campaign, Sonya commented:

“We need black creatives in senior positions in UK publishing, (as Yomi Sode says). Until that happens, we will not have the agency to ensure that UK publishing changes permanently or that changes are more than surface level. As publishers of children’s fiction, we produce a range of stories that speak to black equality in the UK: books that enrich and diversify the curriculum.”

At Dinosaur Books Ltd, and at Formy Books and Parakeet Books (who we partner with in the Strength in Stories campaign), we believe that stories that centre joy and curiosity are vital, and we are committed to providing opportunities for Black creatives to produce work that does just that.


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